News and Views on Tibet

Tibetan Youth Congress All India Awareness Program Update – Chennai

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TYC awareness program reached at Indias fourth largest cities Chennai for its program at various top Indian colleges. With the technical support of AICUF club of Loyola College and helping hand of madras student association made possible of Tibet awareness program a grand success at JD hall in loyola college with presence of eminent personally like Prof. Bernard. D. Swami Head of history department and also known for unwavering support for Tibetan cause and also guidance for the admission of Tibetan students at Loyala College.

The program last for about 3 hours with presentation of paper by Ghadong Jigme of TYC regarding the background of the awareness program and “How china looks at India” repercussion of Railway project in Tibet on India and proxy threats that encircle India and what are the strategically and geographically threats India and south Asian countries have to experienced of china?s occupation of Tibet.

The 250 attentive audience including the faculty and Tibetan and Indian students of Loyola college given a applause when Prof. Bernard delivered his presentation introduction of Tibet and express his strong support for the Tibetan just cause and right for their self determination. The talk was followed by the screening of the Tibetan documentary movie, “Tibet A Cry of Snow Lion” which made possible to clicked the audience about the burning issue of Tibet and its relation with long lasting Indian security.

The same program was also held on 10th December at the one of the women?s best colleges in Chennai “Stella Marie?s College” seminar hall and having interaction with faculty and students of international relation and history department.

The awareness program was given a very warm welcome by the Head of History department Miss. Dolly and express her immense support for Tibetan cause and encouraged Tibet student studying in the college to initiate more program in the years to come. The information secretary of TYC highlighted about the awareness program and urged Indian government to review its foreign policy on Tibet and reminded about the 1962 Nov 14 resolution of the Indian MP?s, who took oath in Indian parliament to FREE TIBET and to take back all those inches of Indian Territory occupied by china.

The audience was also further enlightened on the Tibetan issue by screening of the very informative Tibetan documentary movie “Tibet A Cry of Snow Lion”. The hall was fill up with tears and emotion from audience to eyewitness the tragedy of Tibet on screen and immense response and solidarity express by the faculty and student of college.

Also large number of leaflets title “Tibet and India Security” and poster was distributed to different colleges on 10th December and last program in Chennia is schedule to be held at MCC College on 12th December.

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