Tibetans, Uighurs, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Mongolians, Hong Kongers and supporters gathered near the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, France to protest against the brutality and the human rights violations in their native countries by the Chinese government on Sunday (Septemeber 27, 2020) Phayul Photo by Norbu Wangyal T.
Tibetans, Uighurs, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Mongolians, Hong Kongers and supporters gathered near the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, France to protest against the brutality and the human rights violations in their native countries by the Chinese government on Sunday (Septemeber 27, 2020) Phayul Photo by Norbu Wangyal T.
Tibetans, Uighurs, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Mongolians, Hong Kongers and supporters gathered near the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, France to protest against the brutality and the human rights violations in their native countries by the Chinese government on Sunday (Septemeber 27, 2020) Phayul Photo by Norbu Wangyal T.
5 Tibetan NGOs based in Dharamsala undertake ‘silent protest’ and launched a petition along with a report to be submitted to foreign dignitaries and 160 embassies in Delhi urging stronger support to Tibetan cause and highlight worsening human rights situation inside Tibet.
July 17, 2020 (Friday)
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon
5 Tibetan NGOs based in Dharamsala undertake ‘silent protest’ and launched a petition along with a report to be submitted to foreign dignitaries and 160 embassies in Delhi urging stronger support to Tibetan cause and highlight worsening human rights situation inside Tibet.
July 17, 2020 (Friday)
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon
5 Tibetan NGOs based in Dharamsala undertake ‘silent protest’ and launched a petition along with a report to be submitted to foreign dignitaries and 160 embassies in Delhi urging stronger support to Tibetan cause and highlight worsening human rights situation inside Tibet.
July 17, 2020 (Friday)
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon
5 Tibetan NGOs based in Dharamsala undertake ‘silent protest’ and launched a petition along with a report to be submitted to foreign dignitaries and 160 embassies in Delhi urging stronger support to Tibetan cause and highlight worsening human rights situation inside Tibet.
July 17, 2020 (Friday)
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon
Undated photo of Nepali devotees greeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama. PC – dalailama80.org
The Dalai Lama arrives at the Thekchen Choling temple for the inaugural scholarly conference on kalachakra on Sunday, May 5, 2019. Phayul photo- Kunsang Gashon
Washington, UNITED STATES: The Dalai Lama (C), stands with US Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Senator Richard Lugar (R), R-IN, and ranking member Senator Paul Sarbanes, D-MD, as he meets with the committee 16 November 2005 on Capitol Hill in Washington. Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images
His Holiness the Dalai Lama being greets by his devotees.
The conference in progress at Thekchen Choling temple. Phayul Photo: Kunsang Gashon
Stores taking precaution during the 3-hour daily window. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
Social distancing. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
Social distancing by Tibetans in McLeod Ganj. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
Not fully open. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
A woman feeds the stray dogs. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
A vegetable seller attending a call. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
A man walks the deserted streets of McLeod Ganj. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
A man waits for his turn near the clinic in McLeod Ganj. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
A herd of goats passes through a road in McLeod Ganj. April 21, 2020. Phayul photo-Tenzin Leckphel.
Representatives of five Tibetan NGOs holds placards to express solidarity with India and Indian forces at the Indo-Tibetan border. (June 18, 2020 Phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon).
Activists burn the Chinese flag at McLeod Ganj’s main square protesting Chinese incursion in Ladakh and killing Indian soldiers. (June 18, 2020 Phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon).
Activists burn the Chinese flag at McLeod Ganj’s main square protesting Chinese incursion in Ladakh and killing Indian soldiers. (June 18, 2020 Phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon).
Activists burn the Chinese flag at McLeod Ganj’s main square protesting Chinese incursion in Ladakh and killing Indian soldiers. (June 18, 2020 Phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon).
Representatives of five Tibetan NGOs observe a minute’s silence in mourning of the 20 Indian soldiers who died at the Indo-Tibetan LAC. (June 18, 2020 Phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon).
Tibetan Activist Tenzin Tsundue stomps on the Chinese flag to protest against the PLA incursion into Ladakh and the death of 20 Indian soldiers. (June 18, 2020 Phayul photo-Kunsang Gashon).
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 99th anniversary, Activist group Students for a Free Tibet, India unfurled a large banner that read “Down with China” and “Tibet’s independence, India’s security” urging the international community to recognise Tibet’s independence and assert its nationhood as China’s territorial aggression is on the rise globally.
July 23, 2020 in McLoed Ganj, Dharamshala, India.
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon.
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 99th anniversary, Activist group Students for a Free Tibet, India unfurled a large banner that read “Down with China” and “Tibet’s independence, India’s security” urging the international community to recognise Tibet’s independence and assert its nationhood as China’s territorial aggression is on the rise globally.
July 23, 2020 in McLoed Ganj, Dharamshala, India.
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon.
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 99th anniversary, Activist group Students for a Free Tibet, India unfurled a large banner that read “Down with China” and “Tibet’s independence, India’s security” urging the international community to recognise Tibet’s independence and assert its nationhood as China’s territorial aggression is on the rise globally.
July 23, 2020 in McLoed Ganj, Dharamshala, India.
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon.
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 99th anniversary, Activist group Students for a Free Tibet, India unfurled a large banner that read “Down with China” and “Tibet’s independence, India’s security” urging the international community to recognise Tibet’s independence and assert its nationhood as China’s territorial aggression is on the rise globally.
July 23, 2020 in McLoed Ganj, Dharamshala, India.
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon.
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 99th anniversary, Activist group Students for a Free Tibet, India unfurled a large banner that read “Down with China” and “Tibet’s independence, India’s security” urging the international community to recognise Tibet’s independence and assert its nationhood as China’s territorial aggression is on the rise globally.
July 23, 2020 in McLoed Ganj, Dharamshala, India.
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon.
As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 99th anniversary, Activist group Students for a Free Tibet, India unfurled a large banner that read “Down with China” and “Tibet’s independence, India’s security” urging the international community to recognise Tibet’s independence and assert its nationhood as China’s territorial aggression is on the rise globally.
July 23, 2020 in McLoed Ganj, Dharamshala, India.
Phayul Photo by Kunsang Gashon.