CCP sets ambitious yet vague goals at CCP’s third plenum meeting: China Watchers

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, July 19:  China Watchers say the ruling communist party of China has set ambitious long-term policy goals at its crucial political meeting on reform, but offered little detail on how to pull the world’s second-largest economy out of a worsening downturn, during the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central […]

Tibet-China back-channel talks held through a ‘third country’: CTA Prez

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, July 18: The President of the Central Tibetan Administration has said that the CTA had back-channel talks with Chinese authorities “through a third country” in the first week of July. Speaking to a group of media in Delhi on Wednesday, Sikyong Tsering revealed “We have been having back-channel negotiations with the Chinese […]

Long-time friend of Tibet Richard Gere recovering after prostate operation

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, July 18: Richard Gere, hollywood actor and long-time advocate for Tibet and a good friend of the Tibetan exiled spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, has recently been the subject of public concern over reports of his health. The President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Sikyong Penpa during a […]

U.S pursuing visa restrictions on Chinese officials involved in human rights abuses in Tibet and East Turkistan

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, July 18: The United States State Department is taking action to impose visa restrictions on Chinese officials involved in human rights violations in Tibet and East Turkistan. In a statement issued on Friday, July 12 by Mathew Miller, the United States State Department spokesperson stated, “The United States continues to promote accountability in the defence of […]

Two Tibetan men arrested for smuggling 108 kg gold near Indo-Tibet border

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, July 18: The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has reportedly arrested two Tibetan men on July 9 for smuggling gold bricks in eastern Ladakh along the Indo-Tibet border. The ITBP discovered the men in possession of 108 gold bars, each weighing 1 kg, reports stated. The suspects, identified as Tsering Chamba (69) […]

Tibetan writer Thupten Lodoe severely ill after forced labour in Chinese prison

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, June 16: Tibetan writer Thupten Lodoe is severely ill after being subjected to forced labour in prison, according to a Dharamshala based research group Tibet Watch. Last month researchers learned that Thupten Lodoe, also known as Sabuchey (pen name) was transferred to a hospital from prison, but the date of transfer, the […]

7th international Rangzen Conference concludes in Toronto, Canada

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, July 16: The 7th International Rangzen (Independence) Conference, dedicated to the cause of Tibetan independence, was held from July 13-15 in Toronto, Canada, garnering over 250 delegates from Canada, the US, Australia, Europe, and India. The conference was honoured by the presence of Bradd Redekopp, a Canadian Member of Parliament, who […]

People of Dege awarded Tenzin Delek Rinpoche medal of courage

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, July 16: The 2024 Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Medal of Courage was awarded to the people of Dege who protested against China’s plans to construct the Kamtok hydropower dam that would see the destruction of their community, cultural heritage and the environment. The award was presented in the Scottish parliament by Tibet Solidarity in […]

China shuts down 30-year-old Tibetan school in Amdo Golog

By Tenzin Nyidon  DHARAMSHALA, July 15: Chinese authorities forcibly closed the renowned Ragya Gangjong Sherig Norbuling school in Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Amdo (Ch. Qinghai) Province, according to multiple sources. The private institution, founded in 1994 by Ragya Jigmey Gyalsten, was shut down ending a 30 year old Tibetan educational institution. A video released […]

Xi Jinping charged with crimes against humanity and genocide by Court of the Citizens of the World

By Tsering Dhundup DHARAMSHALA, July 15: The “people’s court” known as the Court of the Citizens of the World charged Chinese President Xi Jinping of crimes against humanity and genocide for China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims and Tibetans which convened from July 8-12 in Hague, Netherland. The tribunal examined Chinese President Xi Jinping’s crimes against humanity in Tibet, […]