MADISON, May 14: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama today said that the unity of the three Cholkhas (provinces) of Tibet – Kham, Amdo, and U-Tsang – is more sacred than our souls.
The Dalai Lama was speaking in Madison, Wisconsin to more than 1300 Tibetans from the Midwest region of the United States.
He acknowledged Tibetans from all the three provinces of Tibet for unitedly shouldering the responsibility of preserving the language, culture, and ancient wisdom of Tibet.
“Now, after spending more than 54 years in exile and having seen the growth of our second and third generation of exile Tibetans, the spirit of the people of land of snows – Ghangchenpas – is still strong,” the 77-year-old Tibetan leader said.
“Most significantly, the determination and fortitude of Tibetans in Tibet continues to remain unflinching.”
The Dalai Lama, who is currently on a fortnight’s visit of US, noted that more and more people around the world, especially Chinese, are realising the truth about Tibet and supporting the non-violent Tibetan struggle.
“The resolution of our struggle will to a large extent depend upon the Chinese people and their support and solidarity with the Tibetan people,” His Holiness said. “The number of Chinese scholars and students that I have been in contact with have all expressed their support for the Middle Way Approach, which seeks genuine autonomy for Tibet within the constitution of the People’s Republic of China.”
He emphasised that the Middle Way Approach is a pedestal on which Tibetans can build to resolve their issues with China, while questioning the existence of an international support base for demands of an independent Tibet.
“When you are raising slogans for independence or taking out protests against visiting Chinese delegates, you must realise that the repercussions of your actions will be borne by Tibetans inside Tibet,” the Dalai Lama said.
The Tibetan spiritual leader also had a word of caution for the much-publicised centenary commemorations of His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama’s ‘Proclamation of Independence,’ pointing out the political limits of the erstwhile Tibetan government when the declaration was made in 1913.
“You have the freedom to express but don’t just go about propagating your own individual choices without considering the general situation and without thinking about whether you can achieve those wishes,” His Holiness said.
The Dalai Lama stressed that although he has completely retired from active politics, as a Tibetan, he has the responsibility to make clarifications and the right to air his views.
“I have never said that you must follow what I say,” the Tibetan spiritual leader said. “But I have the responsibility to make clarifications on the situation.”
Earlier in the morning the Dalai Lama gave teachings on Je Tsongkhapa’s Praise to Dependent Origination (tendrel toepa) to an audience of over 3500 devotees. All proceeds generated from the teachings was donated to the Madison based Deer Park Buddhist Centre, the organisers of the event.