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Tibetan MPs Ask World Leaders to engage China in meaningful dialogue

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Dharamshala: The members of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile have requested the head of the states, attending the Beijing Olympic Games’ opening ceremony, to urge the Chinese leadership to appreciate the genuine initiative taken by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and find a lasting solution to the issue of Tibet.

On 28 July, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has submitted appeal letters to the head of the states, including United States, France, Japan, Russia and European Council.

“We request you, members of your delegation and independent medias to visit the Tibetan areas, which could help improve human dignity and rule of law. Moreover, we believe that your presence at the Opening of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will enhance the dignity of the Olympic Games as you will carry the strong voice of “freedom and human rights,” the letter noted.

“We continue to call upon the Chinese Government to open Tibet to the world and to address the grievances of Tibetan people, to win the confidence of the Tibetan people. China should also stop making false allegations against His Holiness and the Tibetan People’s movement.”

In the letter to President Bush, Dolma Gyari, deputy speaker, expressed gratitude to the government and people of the United States, and lauded their efforts and support to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s non-violent efforts in securing the rights and the Liberties of the people of Tibet.

“Our best wishes are with the US athletes as ‘Ambassadors of Liberty’,” the letter noted.

The full text of the letter to US President George W Bush follows:


His Excellency,
President George W Bush,
The White House,
Washington DC,
United States Of America

28 July 2008

Mr. President, Sir;

The Tibetan Parliament highly appreciates and express our heart felt gratitude to you, your administration, the Congress & the Senate and the people of America at large, for your support to His Holiness The Dalai Lama’s non violent efforts in securing the rights and the Liberties of the people of Tibet.

As you leave for the Opening of the Beijing Olympics, the Tibetan Parliament, on behalf of the people of Tibet, both in and outside the motherland would like to bring the following for your considerations.

As the countdown for the Opening of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games began, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, on 28th July, 2008, sent request letters to the head of the States, participating in the Opening; their Excellencies the President of United States, the President of European Council, the President of France, the Prime Minister of Japan and the Prime Minister of Russia to put forward three issues for their kindly consideration :

” 1. Tibet continues to remain under martial Law- like condition. According to reliable information that we receive from inside Tibet and in particular, considering public statements of Communist leaders and news articles such as the article of the 13th July, 2008 by Micheal Sheridan, which appeared in the Sunday Times, Hong Kong states, “Internal Communist party documents have revealed that China is planning a programme of harsh political repression in Tibet despite a public show of moderation to win over world opinion before the Olympic Games next month,” confirms our belief that the military grip and suppression in Tibet will get worst after the Olympics.

We continue to call upon the Chinese Government to open Tibet to the world and to address the grievances of Tibetan people, to win the confidence of the Tibetan people. China should also stop making false allegations against His Holiness and the Tibetan People’s Movement.

2. While we acknowledge your kind consideration for the Dialogue between the representatives of His Holiness and the Chinese Leadership, we are sad that so far, the past seven meetings do not seem to be leading to any solution.

The Tibetan people neither ask separation nor larger economic share, our soul objective is to retain the identity of Tibetan people and genuine autonomy for the three traditional regions of Tibet. A simple system of existence where the Tibetans are free to practice their cherished religious beliefs and are treated as equals to the other Nationalities of the PRC, where the basic Human Rights of the people is protected.

During your visit to Beijing, we request you to kindly urge the Chinese leadership to appreciate the genuine initiative taken by His Holiness and find a lasting solution to the issue of Tibet.

3. We request you, members of your delegation and independent medias to visit the Tibetan areas, which could help improve human dignity and rule of law. Moreover, we believe that your presence at the Opening of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will enhance the dignity of the Olympic Games as you will carry the strong voice of Freedom and Human Rights.”

Our best wishes are with the US Athletes “Ambassadors of Liberty”.

With our warm regards,

Yours sincerely,

Dolma Gyari
Deputy Speaker (For the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile)

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