The Tibetan Muslim Youth Federation, on behalf of the Tibetan Muslim Community from Srinagar (J&K) sent a memorandum to the Secretary General of the United Nation in condemnation of the violent crackdown by the Chinese authorities in Lhasa and other parts of Tibet.
Pointing out that the Muslim population living in Srinagar had also been victims of the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959 they wrote that during their domicile in Tibet for more than 700 years they had enjoyed complete religious and cultural freedom. Their ancestors traveled to Tibet for trade and commerce and were given special status along with their own judicial set-up and powers.
In view of their historical background, the Muslims expressed deep concern and intolerance regarding the recent violence suffered by the Tibetan people under the Chinese regime. It is evident that the government of the People’s Republic of China continues to persecute religious groups and destroy cultural values by means of population transfer. They wrote that the above trend was experienced and foreseen by their elders who were compelled to repatriate to their homeland, Kashmir in India.
Vehemently supporting H.H. the Dalai Lama’s 5 point Peace Plan which was proposed in the mid 1980’s for a peaceful and lasting solution of Tibet they believed that the Chinese Government should respond positively for a meaningful dialogue.
Stating that the Chinese allegation of His Holiness’ role behind the current public voice in Tibet is completely baseless, they believed the world clearly knows that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has always advocated and followed the path of Non Violence. It is extremely unfortunate that a power like China can officially call H.H. the Dalai Lama ‘liar’ and a ‘hypocrite’.
The Muslim community earnestly appealed to the international community to set up an enquiry commission probing into the recent killings across Tibet. They also requested to form a Committee to suggest remedies for a meaningful dialogue towards lasting peace in Tibet. The community further urged the Chinese Government to release all the detained people who participated in the demonstration.