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Italian Parliamentarians Welcome His Holiness, Assure Support

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Rome, November 27 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama yesterday was received officially by Margherita Boniver, Italian Deputy Foreign Minister who was accompanied by four of her advisers. She welcomed His Holiness the Dalai Lama on behalf of the Italian Government.

The two discussed Tibet’s human rights situation, a matter which according to the Italian minister was of a serious concern to Italy. She assured His Holiness that Italy would continue to raise the issue in all the appropriate forums. Italy has already sent a proposal to the EU Governments for consideration of the appointment of an EU Representative for Tibetan affairs.

She talked about her recent meeting with Paula Dobriansky, US Coordinator for Tibetan Affairs, and shared concerns over Tibet.

His Holiness briefed her on the overall situation of Tibet and the latest developments inside Tibet, and thanked the Italian government for its continued support.

Mr. Pier Ferdinando Casini, President of the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) of the Italian Parliament also called on His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Welcoming His Holiness on behalf of the Parliament, Mr. Casini referred to His Holiness as a ‘man of peace’.

Casini informed His Holiness that the Italian Parliamentary Group for Tibet was very active and that it was doing a wonderful job in creating awareness and garnering support for Tibet.

His Holiness stated that those who support Tibet’s cause are not anti-Chinese or pro-Tibet but supporters of truth and justice.

His Holiness pointed out that their support would also benefit China in the long run helping restore human rights and the rule of law in China.

Talking to around a hundred Tibetans gathered from various parts of Italy, His Holiness stressed on the importance of maintaining the cardinal values of gentleness, honesty, caring for the unique Tibetan culture. His Holiness emphasized on the democratisation of the Tibetan community in exile and the need to respect the democratically elected political leadership under Kalon Tripa, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche.

Reiterating his commitment to the Middle Way approach on the issue of Tibet, His Holiness said that the Tibetan side should make the best of the recent renewal of contacts between Dharamsala and Beijing.

His Holiness met with leaders of the Italian Opposition Parties including the former Prime Minister, Mr. Massimo D’Alema and Francesco Rutelli later in the day.

At the meeting with members of the Parliamentary Group for Tibet, members representing the main political parties including the Governing Forza Italia Party welcomed His Holiness. Over 100 parliamentarians attended this meeting.

His Holiness also paid homage to the soldiers of peacekeeping force who lost their lives in Iraq recently.

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