Rights group says 2011 one of the most brutal years in Tibet

A new report has warned that unless the Chinese authorities ease the restrictions placed on the Tibetan people there are serious concerns that self-immolation will remain the only avenue for Tibetans to voice their desperation and frustration.

Tibetans shot to death on Chinese new year

Security personnel in Drango, eastern Tibet celebrated the Chinese new year firing at a crowd of unarmed protesting Tibetans earlier today. Reports coming out of Drango region confirm the death of at least one Tibetan with many suffering serious injuries.

The Heart of the Matter! by Tenzin Nyinjey

The pressing question on every one’s mind when it concerns the fate of Tibetan struggle is this. Will the perfect unity, as symbolized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s leadership, will survive post his political retirement? Will the political successor, Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay, be able to fill in the (political) shoes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama?


“Kyema – The Agony of Wrong Path” is an interesting Tibetan film about tuberculosis infection, protection, treatment and substance abuses among younger generation Tibetans in exile. The film is produced by Dharamsala based Tibetan Exile Govt.’s Department of Health in association with Tibetan