Tibet: China Moving Backwards

The New York-based Human Rights Watch said the opening of the railway line to Lhasa in July 2006 “exacerbated concerns among Tibetans that they would be unable to compete economically with an anticipated

Tête-à-tête with Tibetan Heartthrob Phurbu T. Namgyal

Nyam-dhu-Doe, Nyam-dhu-Doe – a song that is on everybody’s lip and if you don’t know who Phurbu T. Namgyal is by now you’ve probably been living under a rock! This guy is dynamite – incredibly talented and extremely

Dalai Lama to visit Tripura

Nobel laureate and Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama will arrive for a two-day visit in Tripura on Tuesday to inaugurate the fifth anniversary celebrations of Bankul Dharmadwipa High School in the South district.