Completely out of the closet- An Interview

The subject of homosexuality definitely remains a taboo in our Tibetan society like in many countries. We have denied to acknowledge the existence of homosexuals in our society who too like us crave for openness

Chinese dissidents launch censor site

Chinese dissidents, with the help of powerful encryption software, say they will launch a site designed to let whistleblowers in authoritarian countries post sensitive documents on the internet

China misses energy saving goal, but cracks down

China missed its energy saving target last year, a top official said on Wednesday, but Beijing is cracking down on major companies that ignored environmental rules as sustainable development moves up the government agenda.

Hu urged to cede China presidency to rival

Chinese leader Hu Jintao has been urged to cede the presidency to a rival-turned-ally, sources said, a step that would sweep aside two decades of established practice and let him focus on extending Communist Party power.

China bans Tibetans marking festival

China banned government workers, Communist Party members and students in Tibet from marking a recent Buddhist festival, citing the need to “tighten up education”, a Tibetan rights group reported.