The Wandering Goddess

The revival in exile of Tibetan opera or Ache Lhamo first took place in the early sixties, in Kalimpong, in Northern India. A frontier town that borders Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal

Tibet House of Barcelona in the Forum 2004

A new and creative space for reflection and experimentation in relation to the main cultural and social conflicts that humanity is faced with at the outset of the 21st century.

French Tibet expert to boycott Hu’s speech

The head of the French parliamentary committee on Tibet announced on Wednesday that he intended to boycott a speech by Chinese President Hu Jintao before the French National Assembly next week.

Kashag Condoles the Death of an Ex-Political Prisoner

A former political prisoner had passed away at his home on 15 January, 2004 at 12:10 PM in Lhasa, according to reports from Tibet. The Central Tibetan Administration today expressed its deep remorse over the passing away of Yeshi Gyatso.

EU and US Officials Meet on Common Approach for Tibet

The EU and US should act on the opportunity presented by renewed contact between the Dalai Lama’s envoys and Chinese officials and join forces to help move the dialogue process forward to a mutually acceptable solution

Tibet as zone of peace must for India’s security: Dalai lama

Describing the ”continuing topographic and cultural aggression of Tibet by China” as a very serious issue not only for people of the region but also for India’s security concerns, the Dalai Lama today urged New Delhi to help start a dialogue