UN Committee Urges China to Come Up With Plans to Protect Old Lhasa

The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has urged the Chinese authorities to “develop an articulated strategic programme for the conservation and rehabilitation of the historical fabric of Old Lhasa based upon an analysis of the heritage values of the historic structures.”

Health battle turning into world odyssey

A 39-year-old woman cycling her way around the world to help free Tibet landed in the Thunder Bay area yesterday. Karen McLinton first began her global cycle from her home on the island of Jersey, about 64 kilometres off the north coast

The annual ceremony, known as Zhanfo..

The annual ceremony, known as Zhanfo, which means Buddha worship, is held at the Gandan Temple in Dapchi, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003.

Strangers in a Strange Land

On his first night in America, Lobsang Tsering, a Tibetan monk, sat by his tent on a hilltop and looked out over the Napa Valley. A string of Tibetan prayer flags, which are said to disperse prayers and blessing to the wind, flew above him.

Strangers in a Strange Land

Sands of Time: The monks’ delicate sand mandalas will be an ongoing project throughout their stay in Napa.