News and Views on Tibet

Huge rally by Indian Tibet Support Groups demands Indian Govt. to help resolve Tibet issue

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New Delhi, 10 December 2007: All India Tibet support Groups (AITSG) held a “Massive Rally” at Jantar Mantar today from 1100 am demanding Indian Government to revise its Tibet policy. Nearly one thousand Indian supporters, including all the noted members of AITSGs, and Tibetans took part in the rally.

This could well be the first time ever in India that such a huge gathering of Tibet Support Groups stood up to show their solidarity with the Tibetan cause. Also in it its press release, AITSG has mentioned, “In view of the high stature that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has gained at international levels as the greatest symbol of peace and compassion, the Government of India should seriously think of honouring him with Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civil honour.”

The rallying groups also demanded that the “Government of India should use its influence on the Chinese government to find a peaceful solution to the Tibetan problem through dialogue”.

The groups believe that supporting Tibet issue has a direct link with the security of India. The Indian supporting groups also share the same view that the Indian government should play a vital and key role in facilitating the dialogue process between the representatives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the People’s Republic of China to solve the Tibet issue permanently.

Today’s demonstration was organized by the Core Group for Tibetan Cause, the umbrella organization of all Tibet support groups in India. The main organizations participating in the New Delhi demonstration included All Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet (APIPFT), India Tibet Friendship Society (ITFS), Bharat Tibbat Sahyog Manch, Himalaya Committee for Action on Tibet, Friends of Tibet, Himalayan Parivar and Youth Liberation Front for Tibet.

Mr. Bashisht Narain Singh, Convenor, APIPFT; Shri Kuldip Nayar, Noted senior Journalist; Shri Brij Bushan Tiwari, MP; Smt. Suman Krishna Kant, wife of former late Vice President of India Shri Krishna Kant; Mr. Afsal Bhai, President, Rashtriya Muslim Andolan; Shri Indresh Kumar, Patron, Bharat Tibbat Sahyog Manch were among the key speakers during rally’s function here today.

Based on report by India Tibet Coordination Office ,


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