News and Views on Tibet

Tibetans and supporters protest China’s Tibet Exhibition

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Tokyo, September 19 – About hundred Japanese and Tibetans gathered at Tokyo Ueno Takecho Park to demonstrate against the Chinese exhibition “Tibet – Treasures from the Roof of the World” at Ueno Royal Museum which had organized the exhibition in collaboration Chinese Government.

The Japanese supporters and Tibetans argue that the exhibition is an attempt by the Chinese Government to mislead the Japanese public and the world about Tibet and its rich cultural heritage.

The Japanese chapter of International Alliance Against the “Tibet Exhibition” with support from Tibet Support Groups in Japan and Tibetan community in Japan carried out the protest. Mr. Lhakpa Tshoko, the Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan & East Asia thanked the organizers and the participants for their sincere support and dedication toward the Tibetan cause.
“The exhibits and the documents at the exhibition are purposely designed to show the Chinese Government as the benevolent guardian of Tibetan culture. All the exhibits are stolen and confiscated religious and cultural objects from the Tibetan monasteries and private homes. Purpose of Exhibition Hall and Museum is to portray the truth about something that will inspire and educate people. As this exhibition does not answer to this purpose, the Museum is not doing justice to the purpose and dignity as a recognized Japanese Museum,” he added.

The participants took a silent march with Tibetan flags and banners from the Park to main Tokyo Ueno Park, the venue of the exhibition. The March course of some forty minutes passed through the main street of the city receiving support from bystanders and the general public.

A seminar on Tibet was held at Tokyo Exhibition Hall in the Park. Tibet Art Forum, one of the Tibet Support Groups, organized the seminar where Representative Lhakpa Tshoko briefed the audience about the real situation in Tibet and requested and urged the Japanese people to continue their support for justice and freedom in Tibet. Mr. Miyoshi, Representative of the organizers, said the misleading nature of the so-called ‘Tibet exhibition’ is misrepresentation of historical facts by the People’s Republic of China.

Prof. Tazaki Kunihiko of Tokyo University gave a brief overview of Tibet’s history. He said it is important to take interest in Tibetan history and culture to be able to do something for Tibet.

Tibetans and supporters pledged to continue their opposition to the exhibition that will last till January next year.

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