Press Release
Google’s corporate statement: “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it “universally accessible and useful.”
That’s not true any more! Google allows China to censor on its stock information and withhold information from common people in China and Tibet. This sifting continues to mislead millions of people and thereby helps the Government of China to keep its people in dark, especially on the issues of freedom and Democracy.
Google, the world’s biggest search engine providing variety of free services has become our love, but this Valentine’s day 14 February 2006, we propose “break up” with Google and we will speak to all our friends and family about this.
Tibetans living in Dharamsala are outraged that this company is finding partnership to work with the corrupt communist Government of China that has killed more than a million Tibetans, and continues to run its occupation of Tibet with tyranny and oppression.
Students for a free Tibet (India) and Friends of Tibet (India) initiate a process of protest against this negative activity of censorship by Google. This begins with a protest demonstration in Dharamsala at McLeod Ganj Main Square tomorrow 14th February 2006 at 11am. Volunteers will distribute information leaflets and speak to people individually. All cyber cafes will keep caution notices on Google.
“The state mechanism of control and suppression in China – where the media is state owned – has become extremely sophisticated that the Beijing regime runs people’s conscience and this is scary, more than a billion thinking alike!” said Tenzin Tsundue, General Secretary of Friends of Tibet (India). ” And the bad news is Google is hand in glove with Chinese government, ” he lamented.
“The two organizations are running an e-campaign asking family and friends to boycott Google this Valentine’s Day,” said Choeying, President of SFT India. About protest activities he said “In coordination with us Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Hyderabad and the local chapter of Friends of Tibet will submit a memorandum to the head of Google India office based in Hyderabad, and also stage a protest in front the office tomorrow.”
This is in co-ordination with the world-wide international campaign being led by Students for a Free Tibet against Google’s decision to join hands with Chinese Government in its censorship efforts.
We request all freedom loving people of the world to join us in the protest on the valentine’s day and tell Google to allow uncensored free flow of information to the people in China and Tibet.
Tenzin Choeying
Students for a Free Tibet (India)
Web: Email: Mobile: 098163 68335
Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a chapter-based network of young people and activists around the world. Through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action, we campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom.
Tenzin Tsundue
General Secretary
Friends of Tibet (India)
Web: Email: Mobile: 094180 79832
Friends of Tibet (India) is a support group formed on March 9, 1999 to spread awareness about the issue of Tibet among the people of India. We support the Tibetan struggle for independence. With more than 4,000 members, Friends of Tibet (India) works from 15 chapters in different cities of India.