News and Views on Tibet

Jazz in Kathmandu

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By Tashi Dhundup

Kathmandu – As opposed to the many Tibetan pop music that comes handy these days, it is not quite often when you see a Tibetan singing Jazz. And even rarer so to have composed a whole album. That’s what exactly thirty eight year old Kesang Dawa is all about. He recently launched an all-English jazz music album during the B-day of H.H. The Dalai Lama, titled ‘It’s all good’, in a quite café here in Kathmandu. The songs are subtle and soothing when listened during a quite evening. It seeps right through. One of the songs offers prayer to His Holiness. There are eleven tracks in total, each one trying in their own ways to reach you. One might ask why in English. And that’s because, it’s the only way he know how to sing. Since childhood his parents had sent him to an English school in Darjeeling (India) that has
made him more comfortable talking in English. But in his heart he is very much a Tibetan. His passion for music is quite palpable. This album in a way is a culmination of both his passion for music and ‘calling to root’ endeavor. And he believes that through this, in his own way, he will be able to contribute something to the Tibetan cause.

As his music wafts through the corners of my room, I began to realize that despite my taste in jazz is meager, it is actually quite soothing. Happy listening.

He is planning to market the album by distributing it among his circle of friends.

He can be reached at

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