Tibetans welcome Sino-Indian thaw

The first Tibetan reaction to the Sino-Indian summit in Beijing has been a welcoming one. Although India is seen as “shifting” its position while acknowledging the Tibetan Autonomous Region as part of China

Cong criticises PM for ‘surrendering Tibet’

The Congress on Tuesday criticised Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee for what it termed “surrendering Tibet and obtaining a certificate from China on Sikkim” during his visit to China.

Decision on Tibet a betrayal, feel readers

India’s decision to recognise Tibet as part of China has evoked strong reactions from timesofindia.com readers. While some termed it as “simply horrifying,” one reader called it “total stupidity”.

Unrest feared in Tibetan pockets

India’s recognition of the Tibet Autonomous Region as a part of the territory of China has security agencies worried about potential unrest in pockets of India where a large number of Tibetans reside.