CTA begins lobby for a revised Tibet Policy Act at Washington DC

The reception for CTA President at he Rayburn House in Washington DC on Sept. 9, 2019. photo- tibet.net

DHARAMSHALA, Sept. 10: The President of the exile Tibetan government known officially as the Central Tibetan Administration, Dr. Lobsang Sangay on Monday engaged with diplomats at the Capitol hill in Washington to lobby and touch bases for a revised and updated Tibet Policy Act, the first significant bill on Tibet that was passed into law […]

ATC’s 8th Tibet Lobby Day seeks to legislate access to Tibet

ATC and young Tibetan lobbyist at the Australia's Federal Parliament. Photo by ATC

DHARAMSHALA, September 10: The eighth round of Tibet lobby day of Australian Tibet Council (ATC) today sought to get reciprocal access to Tibet bill introduced in the Federal Parliament of Australia. Sixteen young Tibetans from across the continent spent three days in Canberra getting trained for the first two days and meeting close to 50 […]