Tibetans Ask Canada to Boot Chinese TV Channel

Tibetan supporters joined a rally on Monday calling on Canada’s television regulator to expel a state-run Chinese network they believe incited hate against them in its recent broadcasts on the unrest in Tibet.

Myanmar rebels send Tibet activists back to China

An ethnic guerrilla group in northern Myanmar has caught two “key” Tibetan political activists and deported them to China on the orders of Beijing, a dissident news Web site said on Tuesday.

March honors Tibetan victims

Peaceful protesters demonstrated on State Street Monday evening as part of the Global Day of Action for Tibet, a worldwide protest of the planned visit of the Olympic Torch to Tibetan areas.

Israel supports Tibet

Israelis and Tibetans gathered for a peaceful demonstration, organized by the “Israeli Friends of the Tibetan People” on Monday, March 31 in front of the Chinese Embassy in Tel