An inspiration for Tibetan Women

Soname Yangchen, born in the villages of Yarlung and of noble descent, moved to Lhasa when she was seven years old. There she had to endure a life of servitude, forcefully working under Chinese

Bod-Kyi-Bangchen now accessible online

Khawa Karpo-Tibet Culture Centre (KTC) today launched the web version of their popular Tibetan news periodical, Bod-Kyi-Bangchen (The Tibet Express) and, also

China criticised for ‘tiger wine’

China has come under fire for allowing tigers to be bred for the production of so-called “tiger bone wine”. The drink is reportedly made by steeping tiger carcasses in rice wine. Those who

The Real Face of Tibet?

Tibetans and their supporters demonstrated today during the visit of China’s information minister Cai Wu at the exhibition “Tibet through the Lens”. The exhibition, consisting of a series of

The Dalai Lama to visit Ithaca, October 9-10

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso, will visit Ithaca, Oct. 9-10. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people and winner

China creates Tibetan snow as glaciers melt

China has created artificial snow for the first time in Tibet to head off possible drought, Xinhua news agency reported on Wednesday, months after experts warned of melting glaciers in the Himalayan region.