Refugee from a forgotten land

As campaigners mark Free Tibet Day on Saturday by marching through London and demanding the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair raise the issue of Tibet when he visits China next month, BBC News Online talks to an exile.

Downing Street Tibet Demo

Campaigners are marching to Downing Street to ask Tony Blair for his support in ending Chinese rule in Tibet. Members of the Free Tibet Campaign were marking the 44th anniversary of the exile of Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

Ex-Tibetan political prisoner visiting Brussels

Mr. Takna Jigme Sangpo arrived in Brussels on 6th March to start his first ever public talks on his 37 years of his experiences in Chinese prison. Mr. Takna was released on medical parole o on 31st march 2002 and now based in Switzerland

Buddhist Relics on Display at Mt. Shasta Temple

Relics of the historical Buddha, his closest disciples and other Buddhist spiritual masters will be on display this weekend at Tara’s Refuge, a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Mount Shasta.